Friday, January 22, 2010

1.22.10 -- Colossians 1

Colossians 1

Out of Psalms and on to Colossians today.  Colossians was written by the Apostle Paul to the church in Colosse.  His purpose was to deal with some heresy that had crept in to their doctrine.  Though it's never spelled out for certain, we can guess from the contextual clues that the Colossian church had been teaching Jewish legalism and had even begun to say that Jesus was not really God.  Gee -- that sounds like a lot of churches today!  Funny how something written probably around AD 60 can still be so relevant.

Col 1:23 ~ This verse is often used to spread the doctrine of Salvation through perseverance, but if we look at the entire context we see something quite different.  Just a few verses earlier, in Col 1:13-14, Paul speaks of salvation as something that has already been accomplished.  This is far more in line with all of his other teachings, as well as the teachings of Christ Himself.  So what does Col 1:22-23 mean when it talks about presenting us "holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight?"  Clearly here he's discussing the bema -- that is, the Judgment Seat of Christ.  This is not the same as the Great White Throne Judgment where unbelievers will be cast into hell.  This is where Christ will bestow the eternal rewards He discusses in Matt 6:19-20.  So then, Col 1:22-23 is talking about perseverance, not in order to get into heaven (the Colossian church was already saved) but in order to maintain a right relationship with God and to receive their reward from Him fully.

Col 1:24 ~ If anyone knew about suffering, it was Paul.  As he wrote this verse, he was probably in a Roman prison.  And yet his attitude is still of rejoicing in God and service to his fellow believers.  I wish I could say my attitude was as good when I'm going through rough spots!

Col 1:29 ~ We see over and over in the Bible that God works through men, giving them strength, wisdom and abilities beyond what they originally had.  A good thing to remember when I'm afraid that I won't be able to accomplish the things God asks of me!

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