Monday, February 22, 2010

2.22.10 -- 1 Corinthians 10

1 Corinthians 10

1 Cor 10:4 ~ Even in the old testament, Christ was the way to salvation.

1 Cor 10:11 ~ I sometimes have the tendency to ignore the old testament in favor of the new. I really need to work on that.

1 Cor 10:13 ~ This verse is such a comfort to me sometimes!

1 Cor 10:31 ~ What a great reminder -- whatever we do, we are to do it for God's glory! That includes the little things we barely think about as well as the big things.


  1. You said: "I sometimes have the tendency to ignore the old testament in favor of the new. I really need to work on that."

    And, I couldn't agree with you more! The vast majority of Christians have done themselves a grave disservice by ignoring The Old Testament Scriptures. Just as, the vast majority of Jews have done the same by ignoring The New Testament Scriptures....

    Had Christians studied The Old Testament, more closely, they wouldn't have fallen for the continuous tricks of Spiritual Babylon at all! While The New Testament is The Spiritual Key to the scriptures, The Old Testament is where The Truth has always been locked away from very foolish men.

    What part of The Bible did: Yahshua, His Apostles, and The Early Believers continually quote from? The Old Testament!

    Where are the vast majority of all End Time Prophesies found within The Scriptures? The Old Testament!

    Why then, do so many of us ignore it? Because, dear sister, they are perishing!

    "Many shall say to Me, Lord, Lord... and then I shall say to them, depart from Me you evildoers; for surely, I never knew you."

  2. Actually The Savior in both: The Old and New Testaments - was Yahweh Himself.

    1.) Yahshua's Own Name: " Yahweh-Hushua " - literally translates from The Hebrew, as: " Yahweh Is Our Salvation. "

    2.) Hopefully you [ also ] remember that Yahshua Himself said: " I did not come in My Own Name; but rather, I came in My Father's Name. "

    3.) If you haven't figured it out yet, then why not honestly ask yourself: " Exactly Who Is/Was Yahshua the messiah?
